A guide on resources for Czechoslovakian and Bohemian glass. Resources for history, styles and techniques of Czechoslovakian glass making can be found in a variety of formats by navigating the tabs at the top of the guide. Czech and Slovak peoples have been creating a wide range of artistically unique glass in the European continent for over 600 years, and have conceivably been making glass for much longer, possibly around 1000 years or more. Bohemian crystal and other fine works from Czechoslovakia have gained its glass artisans and manufacturers world renown for their fine glass.
Treifen und Flecken (Stripes and spots.) Moser, Kolomon (Austrian, 1868-1918)Johann Loetz Witwe (Bohemian Factory) Bohemia, Mlyny (Klostermuhle) Accession 2005.3.12. 1900-1903.
Hours vary. To see list of available appointment times, visit reserve.cmog.org.
See www.cmog.org.