Corning, N.Y., 1882 junction of the New York, Lake Erie and Western and the Syracuse, Geneva & Corning R.R.'s, Philadelphia Publishing House, 1882. (CMGL 95876)
The Corning, Cowanesque and Antrim Railroad and the Syracuse, Geneva and Corning Railroad were based in this 1880 building erected by Walker & Lathrop on the southeast corner of Pine and Tioga Avenue. The CC&A was owned by the Fallbrook Company with A.H. Gorton as superintendent. In 1875 the New York Central united with the Fallbrook. A.H. Gorton was the superintendent from Geneva to Wellsboro, Pa. The current parking garage was designed to imitate this building.
G.R. Brown was superintendent of the FBC Co. and resided in this home located at 4 East Fourth Street. The house is an Italianate house which was built circa 1875. The hitching post picture on the 1882 map still stands in front of this home.
Joseph F. Moore was a ticket agent at the Erie Depot. His home sat at 170 E. First Street.
Irish immigrants first established a wooden church on the corner of West First and State Streets in 1849. Ground was broken in 1866 for the stone church we know today as St. Mary’s. It was completed enough so that the St. Patrick’s Day Fair was held in it in 1869. The church was dedicated October 8, 1871.
St. Mary’s Academy was built in 1881. It became St. Mary’s Parochial School and was eventually razed for more modern additions. The current All Saints Academy sits on its site across the street form St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church.
This elegant house was designed by H.G.Tuthill for banker F.N. Drake. It sat at 45 West Second Street and is now the playground area of Corning Free Academy.
178 Pine Street was built around 1865 for Charles Houghton who was vice president of Corning Glass Works. This home still sits on the southeast corner of Pine and Second Streets.
This building was built in 1873 on the northwest corner of Walnut and Third Streets. The building was condemned and razed in 1934.
The Corning Flint Glass Works was established in 1868 and incorporated in 1875 as Corning Glass Works. Through the years many changes took place as technology and business changed. Currently Corning Incorporated headquarters occupies this spot.
This Romanesque Revival-style stone church was built in 1867. It is the oldest existing religious structure in Corning.
Hawkes Rich Cut Glass Works was established in 1880. Hawkes eventually had two buildings. Recently the original signs were restored on both buildings.
Q.W. Wellington was the President of Q.W. Wellington and Co. Bank. His home is a Second Empire-style house with a slate mansard roof. It has a carriage house next to it. This house was built around 1871. The exterior has been altered and the tower has been removed. In 1957 it was converted to a nursing home – Pine Crest Manor. It has since been restored to a single family dwelling.
Corning Brick Works was established in 1878 by Charles A. Rubright, a veteran of the Civil War who survived 9 ½ months in Andersonville Prison. In 1896 Morris E. Gregory bought the business and changed the name to Corning Terra Cotta and Supply Company, often referred to as Corning Brick and Terra Cotta Works. It was located east of the railroad tracks from Pulteney Street to the Chemung River. This is the area of the Decker Building, Rakow Library, and other Corning Incorporated structures.
This home sat at the corner of Denison Parkway and Chemung Street, where the former Corning Hospital was sited.
This home was built for Arthur Houghton, Jr., who was president and treasurer of Corning Glass Works. It sat where Corning Free Academy now sits.
This is the building at the northeast corner of Market and Pine. In 1896 Robinson & Gamman, wholesale dealers in dry goods, occupied the building. In 1902, the Greig department store moved in. The First National Bank purchased the Drake Block in January 1910 and remodeled it. The bank occupied the west half of the first floor and Terbell-Caulkins druggists the east half. Offices filled the other floors.
Use Sanborn Insurance Maps to track changes in a town over time. Here you will find links to Sanborn Maps for Corning, NY. You can locate additional maps for other towns and cities via the Library of Congress, About this Collection | Sanborn Maps | Digital Collections | Library of Congress (
In April 2003, many of Corning's streets and alleys were renamed after glass terms, including types of glass developed by Frederick Carder. The project was initiated as part of the county-wide address updates for the new 911 system. Explore the meanings of each street name below.
Southside Neighborhood
An ornamental knob.
Norhtside Neighborhood
Moss Agate is a variety of Art Glass developed by John Northwood (1836-1902) and Frederick Carder (1863- 1963) in England in the late 1880s. It was made by casing a parison of soda-lime glass with colorless lead glass, then covering it with powdered glass of several colors, and casing it again with lead glass. The object was shaped and reheated, after which cold water was injected into it, causing the soda-lime glass to develop a network of fine cracks.
Northside Neighborhood
Marbelite glass was developed by Frederick Carder for lighting globes.
Northside Neighborhood
Flint is a misnomer for English and American lead glass. The term came into use in 1674, when George Ravenscroft’s new glass formula included ground, calcined flint as a source of silica. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the term was applied to decolorized glass, even when it contained no flint.
Northside Neighborhood
Crystal is a popular term for colorless lead glass, which has a high refractive index and consequently is particularly brilliant. In the United Kingdom, glass described as crystal must contain a defined percentage of lead oxide. Today, the word is often used to describe any fine glass tableware.
Southside Neighborhood
Heliotrope is a type of purple glass used by Frederick Carder.
Image courtesy of the Carder Steuben Club.
Southside Neighborhood
From Italian intarsio, “marquetry.” Intarsia is a type of glass developed by Frederick Carder (1863-1963) about 1920. A design of colored glass was applied to a parison of a different color, then flashed with a second parison of the same color as the first.
Southside Neighborhood
Jade glass is made to look like jade, and comes in both green and other colors.
Southside Neighborhood
“A texture created on the surface of cold glass by applying hot animal glue and allowing it to dry under controlled temperature and humidity conditions. As the glue dries and contracts, it chips the glass surface in a natural and attractive pattern, likened to frost on a window pane.” (Source:
Southside Neighborhood
Aurene is a type of ornamental glass with an iridescent surface made by spraying the glass with stannous chloride or lead chloride and reheating it under controlled atmospheric conditions. Aurene was developed by Frederick Carder at Steuben Glass Works in Corning, New York, in 1904.
Southside Neighborhood
Florentia is a decorative technique introduced by Frederick Carder in the 1920s.
Southside Neighborhood
The process of cutting into the surface of an annealed glass object either by holding it against a rotating copper wheel fed with an abrasive or by scratching it, usually with a diamond.
Southside Neighborhood
Etruria was the site of an early glass industry in northern Italy. Frederick Carder named one of his engraving patterns Etruscan.
Image courtesy of the Carder Steuben Club.
Southside Neighborhood
Frederick Carder often used dragons as a decorative motif.
Image courtesy of the Carder Steuben Club.
Southside Neighborhood
Diatreta is a term used by Frederick Carder (1863-1963) to describe openwork objects that he made by lost wax casting.
Southside Neighborhood
Cintra is a type of decorative glass developed by Frederick Carder (1863-1963) at Steuben Glass Works in Corning, New York, before 1917. Most Cintra glass was made by picking up chips of colored glass on the parison and then casing them with a thin layer of (usually) colorless glass.
Southside Neighborhood
Burmese is type of translucent yellow-shading-to-pink Art Glass made by the Mt. Washington Glass Company in New Bedford, Massachusetts, between 1885 and about 1895. Burmese was also made by other companies, including Steuben Glass Works in the 20th century.