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Itinerant Glassworkers: Special Collections & Archives

Introduction to library resources on itinerant glassworkers, also called fancy glassblowers, traveling glassmakers, etc. More information is available through the library catalog or by using the Rakow's Ask a Librarian service.

Handbills, Broadsides, and Advertisements

The Rakow Library has a number of handbills, broadsides, trade cards, and advertisements depicting itinerant glassworkers in our collection. Find records for many of these items in our online catalog.

Science and art: Prof. Owen,
1850. (CMGL 142780)

[Broadside for Madame
Nora's original troupe of
glassblowers], 1876?
(CMGL 132079)

Second and positively
last week of Woodroffe's
original Bohemian glass
blowers! [1876-1880]
(CMGL 151258)

Curiosity highly gratified: Mr.
Hermann, artist in glass, 1814.
(CMGL 112177)



The Rakow Library has a number of images depicting itinerant glassworkers in our collection. Find records for many of these in our online catalog.


The Rakow Library owns three original issues of a periodical called The Glass Blower, as well as a copy of a fourth issue from the Winterthur Library. The issues are, in chronological order:

Archival Collections

Other Collections

There are a number of libraries and archives with additional primary and secondary sources. While it would be impossible to include them all, here is a short list of additional places to consult:

Scott's Splendid Glass Working

Scott's splendid glass working exhibition in miniature, [1830]. (CMGL 138463)

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