René Lalique, 1860-1945 by Lalique Collectors Society.Publication Date: 2004-2006
A very good biographical film of the life and career of René Lalique. Film begins at a May 5th, 2004 auction, at Salles des ventes Drouot, with item no. 158 - vase by René Lalique. Bidding on this piece begins at 28,000 Euros. The film then continues with the history of Lalique - his interest in jewelry, eventually progressing into glass. During the entire film, scenes from the auction are interspersed as the bids increase. Original photographs and film footage of Lalique, his family, and his work are included in this film. The film follows his career through his death in 1945, at which time his son inherited the family business. At this time, the company name was changed from René Lalique, to Cristal Lalique, and was operated by his son, Mark Lalique until 1977 when Mark’s daughter Marie-Claude took over the firm. In 1992 the company was sold and the Lalique family relinquished all rights to this firm. Bidding ceases on the no. 158 vase, at 136,000 Euros.